Blackberry BBM
Challenge:Generate buzz around the Blackberry BBM Appication by creating a marketing campaign with interactive events inside various nightlife venues in four markets across the United States.
Placement of trained Brand Allure Brand Ambassadors at several night life \"hot spots\" in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, seven nights per week, for a two-month period. Brand Allure\'s local program managers managed the brand ambassadors in each market and were responsible for installing vinyl posters, bar wrap, branded stools, branded tables, branded cocktail napkins and branded coasters. Customers were encompassed in a Blackberry BBM environment where Brand Allure\'s friendly ambassadors approached each of them covering talking points and encouraging patrons to download the Blackberry\'s BBM application.
Brand Allure was able to create a constant flow of positive attention from targeted consumers to help expand the Blackberry Brand. Consumers enjoyed the positive connection they felt with Blackberry via Brand Allure Staff.